Sunday, March 02, 2003

It's Sunday, Sunday, whoopee! Which only means that tomorrow is Monday, the day of crashing, piling craziness. I don't like Mondays, to be a bit cliched.

March has come in like a lion. Ugh. Though perhaps that bodes well for the end of the month. Poor Zak is sick. Bruce went to Calgary successfully. The Griffins won last night in a pretty phenomenal game, and I learned a lot of new stuff about hockey and goal-tending. Hmm. Too much to do, too few hours. I have written my PROW 200 exam and a supplemental version for those students who can't write with the rest of the class. Now to write the PROW 116 exam ... and come up with an in-class assignment for PROW 102 ... and do some marking ... and do some prep work for PROW 100 tomorrow night ... and finish Fay's edit ... Hmm. I was not a good managing editor because I start to quail when faced with competing priorities: can't figure out what to do first.

Who knew when I dropped Typing 10 all those years ago that I'd one day be able to keyboard so quickly?

Too much bad stuff happening in the world. I don't like knowing things I don't know. Ugh ugh ugh. Last week was not a happy time; so presumably this week coming can only be better. After all, now we have a retirement income -- should we ever retire ...

Gotta go!

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