Sunday, April 30, 2006


*wincingly ironic, ya know*

Gave my first and second academic papers on Friday. The first one went fairly well; the second one not quite so. Especially when one of the audience members felt it incumbent upon her to declaim for over ten minutes against my topic, just as I was getting into the meat of my subject — a little frustrating, that. And my technology didn't work because the hotel didn't provide an internet connection. But oh well.

Am teaching a proofreading course next weekend. (SURPRISE! You never know *what* you're going to learn by reading your e-mail.) That'll be easy-peasy after the semester I've had.

Not quite over, that semester I've had. Wednesday, it'll be over. Then convocation on Thursday. Must find a black, long-sleeved gauzy blouse between now and then...

Meanwhile, I have been asked to review another academic article. Yay!

And next week I'm going to start bouldering wearing Roap.

The biggest news of all: Bruce's knee is in excellent shape, healing nicely, flexible and strong. Thanks be to those so due.

Now reading: The Stupidest Angel by Christopher Moore and My Heartbeat by Garret Freyman-Weyr.

Must go mark.


PS: Thanks for the beautiful flowers, Bruce! They made the day especially memorable.

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